Thank you GW for bringing back the Nid drop pods. My impulse buy got the best of me and I picked up a few of these guys. The big question is what to run/build ? I thought this was a no brainer and said Tyrannocytes hands down, but after thinking about the Sporocyst I'm not so sure. The big selling point to the latter is spore mines. They don't contest or hold objectives, they are T1 and 1W, slow, and have no shooting, so why are they good??? Board control . 1 or 2 of these guys doesn't do it, but 40 of them will. I had a good friend spam these out and let me tell you it made my super killy units sooo angry to have to shoot or kill these when a much better target was in sight. It also stopped big boys like knights etc for at least a turn. They also do not give a KP and if you choose to ignore them you get a nice strength 7 or even 10 blast in your face. The entire time the real working part of the army is grabbing objectives and murdering your troops. Back to the cysts. The also shoot blast weapons ( at a poor bs ) but who cares. 3 of them for 300 points pumps out 15, strength 6 Small blasts. Plus they make mines and the giant booger the mucloid spore once per game. Worst part is they don't move, and take up a heavy slot , but the rate of return is pretty good. So I have 3 more to build. I'm leaning toward the spore Vs the tyranno, but what do you think?
Ok, Pics of the test models.