Via Tyranid hive forums:
Spyrocyst = 75pts
WS2 / BS2 / S5 / T5 / W6 / I3 / rest blanked out fully
Instinctive Fire:
Has to shoot at nearest enemy in LOS, so same as previous Spores. Weapons shoot simultaneously. Shoots at the end of the shooting phase, but before morale checks are taken.
Each weapon can fire at a different(?) target unit, but they cannot be fired(?) in any other(?) way or any other phase(?)[extremely hard to make out]
Immobile Pod:
Same as previous dex. Cannot move, gtg, consolidate etc.
Pyschic Resonator:
Any friendly synapse creature within 6" adds 6" to it's synapse! (word for word)
Spore Mode (?)
Any model with this special rule can produce a spore mine cluster. (see codex tyranids) with(?) three(?) Spore Mines in the shooting phase, in addition to any other shooting attacks it makes. Place spore mines wholly within 6" of the model. **in my own words** now each mine units acts individually, don't place within impassible terrain + 1" enemy model**
Once per battle, a Spyrocyst can produce a single Mucolid Spore (pg52) instead of a Spore Mine Cluster. This is placed in the same way as a Spore Mine Cluster.
**Same as pod. Venom Canon and BS**
Copy and adjust as you see fit to match up missing words.
Mucolid Cluster - 15pts each. Can add up to two additional
Stat Line? S1-T3-W3-I3
Has shrouded.
Massive floating bomb:
Same as Spore Mines but, S8 Ap3! Increase atk as per additional model. **that explains the Str10 wording on the Spore Mine rule!
Yes can assault Zooming and Swooping Flyers. Side Armour hitting. Resolved as above.
Read more: http://thetyranidhive.proboards.com/thread/47830/new-tyranid-minis-rules-updated?page=52#ixzz3I1gpFZee
good catch ... keep up the news
ReplyDeleteNO prob! Hope to have more on the plastic zoan/ doom soon.