So last weekend i was invited to attend a Apoc game at a local store. 3000 points, LOW if you wanted to play one, Chaos theme ( we ere the bad guys ), unbound with all troops being OBSEC. The TO also added a few rules like gargantuan creatures and super heavies are not a affected by psychic powers. Also a bunch of random stuff like giant killer skulls, tree monsters, and zombies moved about the board killing indiscriminately. 4 players per side and the good guys had a Reaver Titan. We had Lord Scabiethrax and a Warhound that came on in the 3 round. Needless to say it was a blast even though I ran out of time and had to leave. The Reaver pummeled me for the first 2 rounds killing a LOC before he got airborne and a bunch of other stuff. My MVP was the Brass Scorpion and 2 helldrakes ( they are still very very good ). The drakes killed everything ( 3 tac squads, a few HP's on vehicles, and a dev Laz squad ) and would not die. The Brass Scorpion removed 7 hull points from a baneblade, kill a blob squad, a command squad, and some other IG squad. He died though to the titan, a leman russ apoc formation, 2 vendettas, and the baneblade. Was pretty epic. Without the titan to weigh in Chaos at least on my front would have rolled over the imperials.
You can see the large skulls that eat models. |
Sorry about the shaky camera, I was scared :) |
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