Monday, November 17, 2014

The 40k Glottkin Part 2 (CSM lord and GUO)

Thank you all for sending in great feedback on the models and conversions. I had a few minutes this morning to add some paint and take a few pics of the GUO bits for the Glottkin conversion.

 Here's a better shot of the CSM lord.  I rusted up the Chain-fist and added blood around the base of the fist.

Another shot after some rust and wash. I'll add blood spatter to the fist later. 

I added some nulin oil wash on just the fist as the recesses were not dark enough. You can also see the skulls behind him that are on top of the SM backpack. 

I love the look of the massive bolt gun. It's like a pistol on this guy

I used Plague bearer nurgling bits. 4 of the little guys 

The nurgling on the top right kills me.  He looks just like Glottkin. 

So here are the nurgling and the plague drone bits ( the tentacle mouths )  that I used to take up the empty space.  With all the little guys it reminds me of Ku'gath. I'm planning on getting paint on this in the next few days after I work out a scheme a color base.


  1. These are fantastic! Plague lord is looking great, that bolter is just awesome on him.

  2. Couldn't agree more with Greg (are you everywhere Greg?), that lord is amazing.... puts my painting "skills" to shame. :)

    1. I am a commenting servitor! The omnissiah be praised! (but seriously, that nurgling is hilarious. )

  3. Thanks Guys!
    I'll try to put together a step by step of the sorcerer paint.

  4. Looks great. Been tossing around the idea of leaving the two brothers on top off and replacing them with something. Or nothing. But the nurgling idea is great! Might have to decor rare mine with them.
    And yes, Greg is everywhere. Lol.

  5. NativeGrey, The model is awesome to mod that is for sure. You can also go with a mossy swamp crap on him as well. I'm going to add some and will post pics.
